Wednesday, 11 May 2016


Within the print platform, Plan B appears in a variety of magazines to reveal his film and promote it in order to defeat any commercial pressures. Plan B appears on the cover of NME magazine, which promotes himself as a rebellious rapper. The fact that NME is a music magazine will allow synergy to be created as Plan B can talk about his soundtrack, which accompanies the film, alongside the film itself as a whole. This allows a larger audience to be interested in the film and also adds to the commercial success. He also appears on the cover of Men's Health magazine, speaking about his lifestyle and weight loss. Men's Health is targeted at a more unorthodox audience compared to the ill Manors target demographic of youth and young adults. In terms of Blumler and Katz's uses and gratifications theory, the magazine offers surveillance as Plan B talks about how he lost weight but through this he promotes his film, offering a new audience to be exposed to the film, offering a chance for a higher profit due to the larger exposure. This would therefore impact ill Manors in a positive way and defeat any commercial pressures present.

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